Encouraged at an early age by her mother, watercolorist JosephineDeavenport, Denise Freeman has been a professional artist for over twenty years.  She received her B.F.A. degree from San Diego State university in 1986 where she studied painting, drawing, and printmaking.

Denise supported herself through college by developing a small company devoted to making hand-printed silkscreen art cards that received 
broad distribution.
Denise's work ranges from small botanical drawings to full-sized scenic wall murals.  She loves to use bright colors and nature as her source of inspiration.  She has had her children's illustration published by Illumination Arts in Seattle, Washington.

Currently, Denise's choice of media is gouache on watercolor paper.  She often uses 
airbrush for backgrounds and softer touches to her artwork.  She is as proficient in acrylic, oil, and watercolor as she is in gouache and airbrush.

Denise enjoys hiking the local woods to gather ideas and to become inspired by her surroundings.  She often sits and watches her subjects so she can incorporate their personalities into her work.  Her subjects include birds, cats, butterflies, flowers, and exotic floral and fauna.  In addition to painting, she loves gardening, writing songs and playing the guitar.